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发布于:2023-02-06 10:53 编辑:苏花 来源:大众艺术网


万圣节的由来:宗教祭祀。关于万圣节由来的,版本繁多,流传较广的是:两千多年前,欧洲的教会把11月1日定为“天下圣徒之日”。“HALLOW”即圣徒之意。 传说 自公元前五百年,居住在爱尔兰、苏格兰等地的凯尔特人(CELTS)把这节日往前移了一天,即10月31日。

The origin of Halloween: religious sacrifice. About the origin of Halloween, there are many versions, and it is widely spread that more than 2000 years ago, European churches set November 1 as "the day of saints in the world". "HALLOW" means saints. It is said that Celts (CELTS) living in Ireland, Scotland and other places moved the festival forward one day since 500 BC, that is, October 31.


They believe that this day is the official end of summer, that is, the beginning of the new year and the beginning of the harsh winter. At that time, people believed that the dead souls of the deceased would return to the place of their former residence on this day to find the living creatures on the living people and regenerate, and this was the only hope that people could regenerate after death.


The living people are afraid of the spirits of the dead to seize life, so people put out the fire and candle light on this day, so that the spirits of the dead can not find the living people, and dress themselves as monsters to scare away the spirits of the dead. After that, they will rekindle the kindling and candlelight to start a new year's life.


Halloween is actually a festival to celebrate autumn, just as May Day is to celebrate spring. Druid, the priest of ancient Gaul, Britain and Ireland, had a grand festival to celebrate autumn, which lasted for a whole day from midnight on October 31 to November 1 the next day. They believed that on that night their great god of death, Saman, summoned all the ghosts of those who died that year, and these evil spirits should be punished by being nurtured into animals.


Of course, the mere thought of such a gathering of ghosts was enough to frighten those simple-minded fools at that time. So they lit a huge bonfire and closely monitored these evil spirits. This is how the saying that there are witches and ghosts everywhere on Halloween began. Up to now, in some isolated areas of Europe, some people believe this is true.


The ancient Romans also had a festival on November 1 to pay tribute to their goddess Pomona. They baked nuts and apples in front of the burning campfire. Our Halloween seems to be a combination of ancient Roman festivals and Druid festivals.

万圣节的 活动原来是非常简单的,而且大部分是在教堂里进行。但在整个欧洲,人们都把万圣节前夜看作尽情玩闹、讲鬼 故事 和互相吓唬的好机会。于是人们不再把这节日用来赞美秋天,却让它变成神怪、巫婆和鬼魂的节日。

Halloween activities were originally very simple, and most of them were held in churches. But throughout Europe, people regard Halloween as a good opportunity to play, tell ghost stories and scare each other. So people no longer use this festival to celebrate autumn, but let it become a festival of gods, witches and ghosts.
