2019 Dubai Spring Auction
宋初经济得到迅猛发展,铸币量超出唐代20倍。宋第二帝太宗于端拱三年改元淳化,淳化元年(990年)五月改铸发行淳化元宝钱。皇帝亲书隶、行、草三体钱文,成为皇帝亲书钱文(称御书)之始,又是行、草入钱之始。两宋300余年凡18帝(末代三帝名存实亡),改年号55次,铸年号宝文钱43种(不包括大小和书法等版别变化)之多。At the beginning of the Song Dynasty, the economy developed rapidly, and the amount of coins was 20 times higher than that of the Tang Dynasty. The second Emperor of the Song Dynasty, Emperor Taizong, changed the Yuan Dynasty in the three years of the arch, and the first year of the reign of the Suihua (990) was recast and released in May. The emperor's pro-book essay, line, and grass three-body money, became the beginning of the emperor's pro-book Qian Wen (called the royal book), and it was the beginning of the line and grass. In the more than 300 years of the Song Dynasty, the 18th Emperor (the last three emperors existed in name only), changed the number of 55 years, and cast 43 years of Baowen money (excluding changes in size and calligraphy).
朝币文变化可归纳为六种;1.宋币宝文之变。仅以南宋嘉定铁钱为例,有元宝、重宝,还有之、至、兴、新、安、全、正、崇、万、洪、真宝等宝文钱; 2. 宋币之对读、旋读之分。对读即上下右左读,旋读即上右下左读。如庆历钱是宋折二钱铸行开端,并形成南宋以折二钱为主的币制,开折二钱铜铁并用,对读旋读并存之先河; 3. 宋币之书体之变。书体变化有隶、行、草、楷(包括徽宗御书瘦金钱文大观通宝、崇宁通宝)、篆体(包括九叠篆钱文皇宋通宝)等,到了南宋,钱文书法开始以楷书为主,沿至元、明、清,历代铸币多以楷书为钱文。The changes in the currency can be summarized into six kinds; 1. The change of the Song coins. Take the Jiading iron money in the Southern Song Dynasty as an example. There are Yuanbao, Zhongbao, and there are treasures such as Zhixing, Xing, Xin, An, Quan, Zheng, Chong, Wan, Hong, Zhenbao, etc. , the reading of the points. Reading is up and down, right and left, and reading is right, left, and left. For example, Qingli money is the beginning of the Song Dynasty and the second money casting, and the formation of the currency system of the Southern Song Dynasty, which is mainly based on the two yuan. The two coins are used together, and the first reading of the reading and reading is the first; 3. The change of the book of the Song Dynasty. The changes in the book include literary, line, grass, and scorpion (including Huizong Yushu, thin money, Wendaguantongbao, Chongning Tongbao), and scorpions (including the nine stacks of Qian Wenhuang Song Tongbao), etc., to the Southern Song Dynasty, the money and calligraphy began to use the book Mainly, along the Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties, the coins of the past generations were mostly written by Qian Shu.
4.宋币之钱背字、纹变化。指纪监、纪地、纪年、纪值变化等。如绍熙元宝背纪监、纪年钱。纪年钱自南宋淳熙七年始,整个南宋相沿不变; 5. 宋币之书风变化。如钱文四字整体风格为遒劲、容弱、大小字等,单字书风为长通、短宝、狭元等,单字局部特征为缩水淳、总建等; 6. 宋币之字位变化。如四字位置为隔轮,三字为三寄廓,单字为升、降、进、退、仰、俯等变化。钱文版别众多的两宋钱,可谓一部实物汉字书法大全,在悠久的币史进程中空前绝后,独领风骚。 多样的币种同期并用于宋 铁钱自汉五铢始,至两宋达到鼎盛期。时四川铜少铁多,历来铁钱铸量颇丰,而陕西等地铜铁钱并用,存世也不少。行用中,一般小额交易用铁钱,大额交易用铜钱。其比值为“旧用铁钱千易铜钱四百”,到太平兴国年间比值增至10铁比1铜,黑市比值竟高达14:1.以10:1 计算,1小铜钱重1钱,每贯重6.5斤,按同值铁钱每贯应重65斤,显然不便交易。虽然当时宋币变化较快,但宋代纸币实物现未发现,仅存铜质钞版二件,一件是南宋“行在会子库”钞版,现藏中国历史博物馆,另件北宋钞版流至海外。 除铜、铁钱纸币外,南宋还铸行铜、铅两类钱牌,铜牌面值为贰佰文、叁佰文、伍百文;铅牌面值为壹拾文、贰拾文、肆拾文。两宋货币,金银并提,北宋太祖开宝四年(971年)制定《伪黄金律》,这是两汉以来政府第一次视黄金为法定货币。而银质货币地位后来居上。宋代金银开采也具一定规模,皇年间岁得金1.5万余两、银22万两,政府常以金银铸钱,如金质宣和背陕、银质政和钱等。金人攻灭北宋时,曾强掠金1000万锭、银2000万锭之多,可见金、银货币量大用广。宋的盐钞、茶引及僧道度牒等在一定程度上也行使货币职能。4. The money of Song coins is backed by words and lines. Refers to discipline supervision, discipline, age, and changes in the value of the period. Such as Shaoxi Yuanbao back discipline supervision, the year of money. The money of the year began in the seventh year of the Southern Song Dynasty, and the entire Southern Song Dynasty remained unchanged; 5. The book of the Song Dynasty changed. For example, the overall style of Qianwen's four characters is enthusiasm, tolerance, size, etc. The single-word style is Changtong, short treasure, narrow yuan, etc. The local characteristics of the single character are shrinking, total construction, etc. 6. The change of the word of Song coin . For example, the position of the four characters is a separate wheel, and the three characters are three-pointed. The words are changes in ascending, descending, advancing, retreating, leaning, and leaning. The Qianwen version of the two Songs money can be described as a real Chinese calligraphy calligraphy, in the long history of the history of the currency before the hollow, only lead the way. The various currencies were used in the same period and used for the Song Dynasty. Since the beginning of the Han Dynasty, the two Songs reached their peak. When Sichuan has less copper and iron, it has always been a lot of iron money, and the copper and iron money in Shaanxi and other places are used together. In the use of electricity, general small transactions use iron coins, large transactions use copper coins. The ratio is "old iron money thousand easy copper coins four hundred", the ratio to the Taiping Xingguo years increased to 10 iron to 1 copper, the black market ratio was as high as 14:1. Calculated by 10:1, 1 small copper coins weigh 1 money, each The weight of 6.5 kg, according to the same value of iron money should be 65 kg per weight, obviously inconvenient to trade. Although the Song coins changed rapidly at the time, the Song Dynasty banknotes were not found in the real thing. There are only two pieces of copper banknotes. One is the Southern Song Dynasty’s “Bank in the Huizi Library”, the Chinese History Museum, and the Northern Song Dynasty Edition. Flowing overseas. In addition to copper and iron money banknotes, the Southern Song Dynasty also cast two types of money cards, copper and lead. The bronze face value is 200, 300, and Wu Baiwen; the face value of the lead is the pick-up, the second pick-up, and the pick-up. The two Song Dynasty currencies, gold and silver, and the Northern Song Dynasty Taizu Kaibao four years (971 years) formulated the "pseudo-gold law", this is the first time since the Han Dynasty the government regarded gold as the legal currency. The status of silver currency has come to the fore. The gold and silver mining in the Song Dynasty also had a certain scale. In the reign of the emperor, the gold was more than 15,000 yuan and the silver was 220,000. The government often used gold and silver to cast money, such as gold and Xuanhe, silver and political money. When the Jin people attacked the Northern Song Dynasty, Zeng Qiang plundered 10 million ingots and 20 million ingots of silver. It can be seen that the amount of gold and silver is widely used. Song’s salt banknotes, tea quotes, and martial arts also exercise monetary functions to a certain extent.
Name: Song Dynasty Fang Kong Qian (Huang Song Tong Bao - Zheng He Tong Bao - Yuan Fu Tong Bao)
介绍:此组宋代方孔钱精良,文字工整,字口清晰,形制规整,包浆老道,锈色自然,岁月流痕鲜明,自然纯正,表面光洁明润,品相中上乘,外沿光滑无纹饰。外沿与中心方孔之间正面浮雕方孔钱名称,背面无纹饰,该数量纵观钱币拍卖史都非常少见,收藏价值极高。This group of Song Dynasty is round, fine text, clear text, regular shape, regular patina, natural rust, flowing clear and beautiful, pure and natural, smooth and smooth surface, superior appearance, smooth and untextured outer edge. The front outer edge and the center square hole are engraved with a square hole name, and there is no ornament on the back. The history of coin auctions is very rare and the collection value is extremely high.
本文标签:迪拜 迎春 精品 宋代