
库恩国际 | 2019香港春季拍賣會面向全球公開征集

发布于:2019-02-14 15:57   来源:大众艺术网

库恩国际 | 2019香港春季拍賣會面向全球公開征集


Kuhn Auction Company


库恩国际 | 2019香港春季拍賣會面向全球公開征集

Kuhn Auction Company was founded in 1988. Kuhn estimates that there are about 50 auctions organized around the world each year, many specialties such as the 20th century and design, impressionism and modern art, prints, books and manuscripts or jewelry and watches. One of the decorative arts, the most important is the auction of Chinese art.

库恩国际 | 2019香港春季拍賣會面向全球公開征集

庫恩拍賣行落戶於巴黎近郊塞納河畔訥伊三十餘年,並在澳洲布里斯班和悉尼設有分行,同時定期在德魯奧拍賣中心舉行拍賣。2017年KUHN(庫恩)拍賣行作為法國第一家獨立拍賣行(資本由唯一股東持有)成交總額佔據法國拍賣市場第四名。KUHN(庫恩)拍賣行於1988年由David kuhn先生建立,今天在他的兩個女兒Philippine Dupré la Tour女士、Charlotte Reynier-kuhn女士的輔佐和支持下早已成為在澳洲藝術拍賣市場上的主要參與者。每年由40人組成的團隊(包括四位常駐拍賣師)組織拍賣近百場。

库恩国际 | 2019香港春季拍賣會面向全球公開征集

Kuhn Auction House has settled in Neuilly-sur-Seine for more than 30 years in Paris, and has branches in Brisbane and Sydney, Australia, and regularly auctions at the Drouot Auction Center. In 2017, KUHN auction house as the first independent auction house in France (capital held by the sole shareholder) accounted for the fourth place in the French auction market. The KUHN auction house was founded by David Kuhn in 1988 and today has become a major player in the Australian art auction market with the support and support of his two daughters, Ms. Philippine Dupré la Tour and Ms. Charlotte Reynier-kuhn. By. Each year, a team of 40 people (including four resident auctioneers) organizes nearly 100 auctions.

库恩国际 | 2019香港春季拍賣會面向全球公開征集

比金融市場更具活力的藝術品市場同時也更具有選擇性,但讓我們感到自豪的是我們每一場高品質的賣拍和國際性的專家部門,這使我們一直以來都保持著穩步增長。在藝術市場競爭非常激烈的大環境中,我們化壓力為動力,通過不懈的努力創業屢績新高。團隊的工作熱情,服務質量以及對每一場拍賣的悉心準備,都獲得了國內外買家與賣家的信任。(庫恩)Kuhn 拍賣行總裁大衛•庫恩先生表示。所有部門都時刻準備著為您提供服務。

库恩国际 | 2019香港春季拍賣會面向全球公開征集

The more dynamic art market than the financial market is also more selective, but we are proud of our high-quality auctions and international expert departments, which have kept us growing steadily. In the highly competitive environment of the art market, we have turned our pressure into a dynamic force and made great achievements through unremitting efforts. The team's enthusiasm for work, quality of service and careful preparation for every auction have earned the trust of domestic and foreign buyers and sellers. (Kun) Mr. David Kuhn, President of Kuhn Auctions, said. All departments are always ready to serve you.

库恩国际 | 2019香港春季拍賣會面向全球公開征集


库恩国际 | 2019香港春季拍賣會面向全球公開征集

Contemporary art, Asian and vintage art, Chinese porcelain, calligraphy and painting, ancient coins, gold and silver bronzes, jewellery, haute couture, high ancient art, precious car collections, precious watches, musical instruments, ancient books, stamps and old letters manuscripts, classical Painting sketches, photography and digital works, rare objects, 19th century Impressionist and modern art, rare wines. At the same time, when you are facing the inventory, inheritance, division or transfer of property, we cooperate with top experts to provide you with the appraisal and valuation services for furniture, paintings and handicrafts for sale.

库恩国际 | 2019香港春季拍賣會面向全球公開征集


Auction announcement


[陶瓷] 高古瓷、元明清瓷器、民國名瓷、現代毛瓷及大師精品瓷器,紫砂壺。

[玉石] 古玉、明清玉、現代玉、翡翠、田黃、雞血石。

[字畫] 歷代名人名家書畫、現當代書畫、各派系名家字畫。

[雜項] 古籍善本、金銀銅器、奇石雕件、文房用品、錢幣、佛像。

[傢具] 明清各種材質硬木傢具,以紫檀、海南黃花梨及金絲楠木等名貴材料。

Collect project:

Ceramic ancient porcelain, yuan Ming porcelain, coating of the republic of China, master modern wool porcelain and fine China, are recommended.

Jade gao, the Ming and qing dynasties, modern jade, jade jade, tian, bloodstone.

Calligraphy and painting all previous dynasties celebrity virtuosi calligraphy and painting, modern and contemporary painting and calligraphy, factions virtuosi calligraphy and painting.

Ancient books, gold and silver, strange stones, bronze vessels, four treasures of the study, ancient coins, Buddha.

Furniture all kinds of hardwood furniture in the Ming and qing dynasties, with red sandalwood, hainan chrysanthemum pear, gold-rimmed nanmu rare materials, etc.

一、拍賣時間地點 / Auction time and place

库恩国际 | 2019香港春季拍賣會面向全球公開征集


Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of China


Tentative Hong Kong Renaissance Harbour View Hotel

2019年04月23日 / April 23, 2019

二、征集地點 / Collection location


China Shenzhen Office


2101-05, Block A, Weidonglong Business Building, Meilong Avenue, Longhua New District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China

三、單位機構 / Unit organization

库恩国际 | 2019香港春季拍賣會面向全球公開征集


Kuhn Auction Company

四、支持單位 / Support Units


Supported by: Hong Kong Dagong Network、Paris TV Media

五、注意事項 / Precautions

● 預約全球到場買家。

● 中國藝術品收藏熱,吸引全球買家投資熱潮。

● 買家群體來自全球,重要買家來自東南亞、亞洲、美洲、歐洲地區。

● 公司竭誠為供拍和競買雙方提供優質的服務,歡迎屆時垂詢。

● booking the global presence buyers.

● Chinese art collection hot, attracting global buyers investment boom.

● buyers from the global community, important buyers from Southeast Asia, Asia, the Americas, Europe.

● the company dedicated to the two sides for the film and bid to provide quality services, welcomed the inquiry.

六、聯絡方式 / contact method



本文标签:香港 春季 面向 全球 征集 国际



